Saturday, July 12, 2008

I am home!

I am home from the beach! I had a wonderful time! It was so much fun! We of course went to the beach, shopped, ate, and just hung out! We had a blast! One day we rented these little two seater cars and rode them around Destin! It was so cute! then another day we went to the track and drove go-carts and rode bumper boats and bumper cars! It was alot of fun too! We went shopping a little almost everyday at itleast one place. Somedays we shopped at alot of places. One night we ate at Panera Bread which is at Destin commons, which is a huge like outdoor mall! It is so nice and pretty! Another night we ate at Fudpuckers. It was sooo much fun! We fed the alligators, and the food was amazing! Then we ate also at Goat Feathers one night and it was really good! Well we only saw a few jellyfish, and nobody got stung or bit by any sea creatures thankfully! We had an awesome time! Our condo was so nice. About 20 of us went. It was all my dad's siblings and there kids and also my grandparents. We stayed in the pint house though at the top of the hotel. The condo was 2 stories, 4 bedroom,3 bath. It had 2 decks, one downstairs and one up! so obviously we had plenty of room! It was so nice, and the ocean was very clear and clean everyday but 1. The weather was perfect and it only sprinkled a little bit on the very last day! Well I guess that is all for now. I just wanted to update everyone about my wonderful beach trip! Next week is VBS so I will update about that next week!


Sam's blog said...

hey, sydney thanks for doing that header on our blog have u seen wells' blog it's awesome.

Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

Fun times at the beach! You could say that I'm a LITTLE jealous. ;)