Sunday, September 21, 2008


Sorry everyone, I haven't updated in 4EVER. I have been busy lately with school!! :) Junior high is SO awesome though! I LOVE it! I mean school is still school, haha :) but I am enjoying it so much more than elementary! Well, there has been alot of stuff going on! Football games :), guitar, school, and so much other stuff! haha! I add something called followers to my blog. Which i think like if you become a follower of my blog then like when you log on to your own blog on your dashboard it has updates from all the blogs you are a follower of. I know kind of confusing but I tried it on one of my friends blogs and it is pretty cool so I added it to mine! So if you want to become a follower of my blog click on the side of my blog where it sayd become a follower of this blog and it will show you how!! Well thats all I know for now! So I will try to update yall more than I have been! Have a great week!!
*** Also everyone in youth don't forget about see ya at the pole rally september 23 and see ya at the pole the 24!! It will be a blast hope to see ya there!! :)

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